The Gamelan Musical Presentation At Lang on November 19th, 2023

Day 1 (Jan 5th): Arrival!

Hey guys! I’m Ming. I’m so exhausted as I am writing this blog; but look back to today’s experience it’s very exciting and intriguing. Tim, Grace, Angelina, and I had a wonderful breakfast in the HK airport. The meal provided by the airline was good too. They had water spinach with the meal, and I missed that flavor so much!

Breakfast in Hong Kong Intl Airport.

My favorite meal on the plane. The fish was sooo fresh!

When we were driving to the Puri Kobot Guest House from the airport, looking out from the car window, I felt everything was so lively and vibrant. I saw numerous beautifully carved stone sculptures, cats and dogs wandering around the street living with human beings, and people making all types of businesses. I was exposed to a kaleidoscope of life that is so different to my current experiences, and I’d love to experience more.

The Koi fish in the guest house. some of them are really social hhhhh

We had one of the best dinners I’ve ever had in the whole year. I had rice noodle curries and mango sticky rice, with a whole young coconut as the drink.

The rice noodle curry with beef. I really enjoyed the taste and textures of the rice noodle.

A whole young coconut. The coconut water tastes a little bit sour and very refreshing!

 I also might have unintentionally “bribed” the immigration officer in the airport by forgetting to take the charge I received from buying the visa out of my passport. When I received my passport back from the officer, I found he took my 30000 Indonesia Rupiah—which is about 2 US dollars—away. I hope he was just taking the money as a tip instead of some sort of bribery.

The 30000 IDR that was taken by the officer:)

Beautiful pictures from the Puri Kobot Guest House. This is almost the best hotel I’ve ever stayed!

I really look forward for all the fun and eye-opening experience in the following days!


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